Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Taking your friends with you.

There's an icicle outside my window and today there was sun. Temperatures were below freezing, except it would seem, for at least a moment when the weather heads measured and found it to be exactly 32. The sun and the "heat" melted the icicle and tonight by the light of some solar lights along the walk, the icicle is a sparkle drape in front of my black backed glass.

Today my lover told me a story of a friend of his. He has known this man for over forty years. He told me that his friend has never married and has always had a single cat as a pet. When a cat dies he gets another. They're never a specific breed or color or type of hair. When his cat dies he has the pet cremated and has the ashes at home in a solid cherry urn.

When the friend dies his instructions are that the urns of his cats are to be buried with him. He will also be in a solid cherry box.

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